The essential Strauss Gold Melody music caen
  • The essential Strauss Gold Melody music caen

The essential Strauss Gold

17,95 € TTC
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Melody Music

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Anna’s polka op117
An artist’s life op316
On the beautiful blue danube op314
Die fledermaus the bat overture op362
Emperor waltz op437
The gypsy baron overture
Indigo and the forty thieves quadrille op344
Kiss waltz op400
Pizzicato polka op449
Morning papers op279
Perpetual motion a musical joke op257
Praise of women polka mazurka op315
Roses from the south op388
Take care in whom you trust op463
Tales from the vienna woods op325
A thousand and one nights op346
Vienna blood waltz op354
Wine women and song op333
Voices of spring op410

Fiche technique

Strauss Johann
Chester Music
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