- Guitares & Basses
Claviers / Pianos
Librairie musicale
Solfege, Formation et Theorie Musicale
- A Tempo
- Du solfége sur la FM 440
- Hector l'apprenti Musicien
- Jeux de rythmes et jeux de clés
- J'aime la musique
- La Formation Musicale
- La Magie de la musique
- La musique tout simplement
- La Théorie Expliquée aux enfants
- On aime la FM
- Le Tout Petit Concervatoire
- Solfege populaire basé sur le rythme
- Autre....
- Variete
- Guitares & Basses
- Batteries & Percussions
- Pianos & Clavier
- Instruments a vent
- Instruments a cordes
- Aebersold
- Chant
- Accordeon
- Musique du monde
- Papier a musique
- Harmonica
- Ukulele
Solfege, Formation et Theorie Musicale
- Taylor
All for love
Anything for you
As long as you love me
Because you loved me
Before your love
Don’t cry out loud
Don’t know much
Dreaming of you
8th world wonder
For you I will
Forever tonight
Hold on to the nights
How do I live
Everything I do
I don’t want to miss a thing
I get a weak
I have nothing
I want it that way
I will always love you
I’m alive
I’m already there
Look away
Love will lead you back
Meet me halfway
Missing you now
Nothing’s gonna stop us now
Now and forever
Set the night to music
Take my breath away
This I promise you
This is the night
Un-break my heart
The way
What’s love got to do with it
When you lie next to me
You raise me up
Fiche technique
- Editeur
- Warner Bros.publications
- Instrument
- Pvg
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